Core Values

“The Heart of the gospel is redemption, and the essence of redemption is the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ.”

- Charles Spurgeon

We believe that the local church

is God’s embassy and the primary means by which Jesus is made more famous

as communities of light march forward to renew this dark and drab world.

To identify the doctrinal priorities of this church and to distinguish us from other congregations of faith, Redemption Clearwater has thoughtfully established and ardently clings to these five philosophical core values:


A commitment to behold Jesus in every text of Scripture. 


A commitment to proclaim in every season and from every stage the eternal good news of Christ crucified and risen to be received by faith alone.


A commitment to faithfully teach and ardently defend the Bible as the authoritative revelation of God.


A commitment to be known as Christ-followers by our love for one another.


A commitment to practice the grace and forgiveness we profess to believe.

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